Chino Valley SNN Key Resources

Key Resources

Difference between Advocate and Attorney:

1. Free Special Education Attorneys

These attorneys are totally free and get paid by the district if settle. Educational lawyers are key to getting to talk with Special Education director and determine best school and supports.

1.1 Special Education Law Offices of Sheila C. Bayne.


August 31, 2020 this Law Firm filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of all special needs students in the state of California for District’s failures to offer or provide a FAPE to Students since the closure of schools per the Governor’s order.

FREE: For $0 they will work with you to get compulsory services for all your child missed during the pandemic distance learning.


1.2 Michelle Ortega

Anyone needing assistance with getting their child assessed, found eligible, or in need of a better placement, more services or support, She has had many cases in this district and SELPA, and I’m familiar with the administration and have successfully helped dozens of families struggling in this district.

1.3 Sarah M Gross

Representing special education students throughout San Bernardino, Riverside, and Los Angeles Counties

1.4 Hope4Families

Hope4Families is excited and hopeful that as a legal resource offering free of cost services to the families of special needs children we can make a difference in Southern California school systems. We are a community based 501 (c)(3) nonprofit public interest law firm and we have so much in common with the communities we serve, we share the same love and commitment to our children and families.

The experienced attorneys at Hope4Families are committed to bridging the gap between the special needs of our communities children and the resources of our school districts. 

2. Advocates

2.1 Dr. Elena Watson of ABC4IEP 

2.2 Linda Higgins of Hope Consulting and Advocacy

2.3 Valerie Aprahamian of Advocates For Angels 

3. Hippotherapy and/or Adaptive Horseback Riding


Leaps & Bounds Pediatric Therapy offers traditional Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (PT) and Speech therapy for kids.

But they also have Hippotherapy, which is OT, PT or speech while riding a horse, which is scientifically proven to have a huge benefit to our kids! We also have adaptive horseback riding and horse camps for all abilities!

My near neurotypical daughter goes to the horse camps all the time and is a great way for her to learn about the neurodiverse community and interact with them.